Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 29 June 2015

Return of Camp Kirstin

Well Hello there, bet you didn't think you'd see me on this blog again.

I'll jump straight in with the explanations.  The kids broke up for summer last Thursday and due to someone deciding to stretch the unfeasibly long summer vacation to utterly ridiculous lengths they don't go back to school until September 8th, yes, SEPTEMBER 8TH, really, SEPTEMBER 8TH.  Whoever decided on that didn't have children, that's over 10 weeks.

Anyway, I'm rambling with panic.  I have them both in real camp for a week but in order for us all to stay sane I decided that a summer (or as long as we can manage) of activities based on something is the only way.  It will also get Jacob off video games and keep Rose going with her reading and writing.

So, deep breaths.....

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