Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Sunday 17 May 2020

National Self Care Day

First celebrated 16 May 2020

This has been a week of activities aimed at giving ourselves a bit of love because I think we need it right now.  There hasn't been quite as much silliness as other weeks but I've enjoyed it and I hope everyone else has too.

Monday was a day of physical self care.  Activities included foot baths, taken by Jacob, Mum and me and Rose fulfilled a lifelong ambition by putting slices of cucumber on her eyes.
Rose cucumber eyes
She is also sporting a homemade face mask consisting of honey and cinnamon (not baked beans).  Unfortunately it gave her a mild sunburn for about an hour afterwards so don't try it yourself, I think it's the cinnamon which has astringent properties.  I mixed it with yogurt for my face mask and it even made my tough old skin get a bit flushed.

Next was Treat Yourself Tuesday.  The aim was to take five minutes to have something nice.  Tamsin and Mum went for a tray in a doorway, Tam had to sit on an upturned laundry basket but the tray has a lovely cloth and the Portmeirion teapot is out so it looks like a treat to me, anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to eat in the doorway of all the best tea rooms soon.
Lock down doorway tea
Sangchen went for a proper tea ritual, doesn't this look nice and calming:
Lovely brew going on here
And we had David's Tea in Grandma's fancy tea cups and chocolate microwave mug cakes:
Wednesday was a day of wellness and meditation.  In England people are all enlightened and I think they were able to do their own.  Jacob, Rose and I don't really know how to meditate so we followed this loving kindness one, Jacob and I enjoyed, Rose wasn't so sure.

Think Positive Thursday came next and we all shared positive things that have come out of lock down.  We have all learned some new things and been able to spend more time on hobbies that can be neglected in the chaos of everyday life.  We are also all healthy (except Laurence, hope he feels better soon) and not in need and that's something it's easy to forget when the situation feels overwhelming.

And finally here we are at TGI Fancy Friday.  Today was all about ditching the yoga pants and comforting but manky sweaters and dressing as if you might see another human being.  I dried my hair so I don't look like some crazy mad person.  Here's a before and after shot, note the earrings for the first time in weeks:
Can you tell which is which?
Mum put on perfume with her fancy outfit, nice touch, I hadn't thought of perfume but that can really give you a lift.

Sanchen put on his best sweater and a shirt:
 Tamsin is cut off from her jewelry and 'other adornments' (not sure what they might be??) but looks very elegant in a victoriana top, perfect makeup and her best pout.
Say "Stewed prunes"
Rose wore a lovely 'cold shoulder' dress, no shoes and ocelot ears:
You'll get cold feet monkey
Jacob wore his best black sweater with squares on it.  I didn't get a photo so here's a picture of it's maiden voyage on Grandpa's birthday last year.
Jacob's best suit
Self care Saturday was celebrated with (you've guessed it) Pizza, but this time it was a take out to give me a rest from feeding the family.  Just about the best self care there is.

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