Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Sunday 26 April 2020

The UPP Quarantine Diaries - A Preamble

Good Day to you future citizens of Parkonia and visitors to our glorious land.

I hate writing introductory posts so I'll keep this short.  On the following pages you will find a brief history of how we spent our lock down months during the COVID19 outbreak of 2020.  I will start with a brief preamble of how we arrived at this point and introduce next 'week'.

In order to stop all the weeks of lock down from merging together and try to give our lives a little routine (and not least to stop me from accidentally opening a bottle of wine at 11 am on a Wednesday) 'we' (see definition of Parentocracy for 'we') decided on the need to celebrate something every week and the national day scheme was born.  In order for a 'National' day to be possible it was necessary to declare our independence and so from hence forth 78 Winding Way, Kitchener will be known as the United Parentocracy of Parkonia.  According to the 1993 convention on rights and duties we need 4 things:

  • A permanent population - check
  • A defined territory - check
  • A government - check
  • The capacity to enter into relations with other countries - working on that
We need to write to the UN and get them to recognize us - maybe we'll wait until this is over before we bother them.

We also have:

A system of governance:

We are a 'Parentocracy"
Definition: A form of Oligarchy where the state is ruled by 1 or 2 elite individuals with a senior(age) relationship to the proletariat.  Citizen's wishes are taken into consideration in the process of governance but not necessarily acted upon if they are not deemed to contribute to the common good or are just stupid.  Jacob has pointed out that it is ironic that the proletariat are the only people who don't work, might have to change the wording in the future.

A flag

Designed by Rose, overseen by Jacob.  Did you know that an expert in flags is called a vexillologist?  remember that for your next pub quiz.  Note that the colours, carefully selected by Jacob are:
  • Amber
  • Red
  • Snavy blue
  • Emerald
See what he did? (he's gifted you know) and also note that Rose got the order wrong!
UPP flag

A national anthem

The Wii me lounge music, listen here.  Protocol while listening; stand and bob about a bit, occasionally wave hands in the air and jump.

Independence Day

April 12 2020, to be celebrated each year on Easter Sunday with the consumption of Pizza and chocolate mousse.

We also have:
  • A national dish - Pizza
  • A national bird - Chickadee
  • A national flower - cone flower of any colour
  • A national slogan (not yet ratified) - Bottoms UPP
In the pages that follow we will record the national days, their dates and themes and a pictorial representation of how they were marked.



Actually, I won't introduce next week but this is an evolving situation as they keep telling us and as absolute ruler of this parentocracy I shall do as I please.

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