Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Sunday 26 April 2020

National Metal Day

National Metal Day

First celebrated 25 April 2020

This day was requested and organized by Rose and consisted of a week of fabulous activities for all.

Every day we were sent an automated message containing a link to a metal or similar genre song, we listened to it and sent in our votes to Rose.

Here is a list of the songs with links to YouTube so you can have a listen:
Tamsin and Sangchen joined in with this week from the UK (many thanks) and all was going well until Thursday night when Rose counted up the scores and realized that Queens of the Stone Age, who are not a metal band, were in the lead, hmm.  This caused some problems with the elements of our country to whom metal is serious business and a guest judge was called in at the last minute to rig the votes.  Thanks to Metin (AKA the Emissary of Satan) here are the final scores:
  1. Megadeth - 7/10 average
  2. Anthrax - 6.5/10 average
  3. Iron Maiden and Queens of the Stone Age - 6/10 average
  4. Fates Warning - 5.5 average
Note that average is the mean.  Mode and median were also discussed.

A further activity was to create a video of yourself playing air guitar to your favorite metal tune.  Not many people got around to this, I was too busy doing the catering, but here is Rose playing along to Slayer - Raining Blood:

I'd like to thank Sangchen for his excellent rendition of Europe - The Final Countdown.

And finally we had a celebratory meal of 'Pizza' (mind) for the Iron Maiden fans, bread 'drum' sticks with cheese fondue and a cake badly dressed up as a drum.

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