Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Saturday 2 May 2020


First celebrated Friday 1 May, 2020

This was definitely a cheat night as tacos were already on the menu and they are always a bit of a celebration in this house anyway.  Tom requested tequila cocktails and a sombrero fashioned from tortilla chips, seriously? I'm not that desperate for something to do yet.  But we did kick it up a notch with some other fancy drinks:
Fancy drinks!
Sorry, Mexican theme
And dessert tacos, as requested by Rose.  I was a bit dubious about these; any time spent brushing tortillas with melted butter and meticulously (not), dusting them with cinnamon and baking them seems like a bit of a waste but you know what, they were delicious and I'd definitely do it again.
Full on dessert

Adult nouveau cuisine version

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