Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 26 August 2013

Bit of a Summary and Final Favourites

This is getting a bit haphazard isn't it.

First Sun and Recycling.  I've just been looking back at our antics over the past couple of weeks and we did more than I thought, especially for Sun, the only activity we missed out was light sensitive painting which I'll save for another time as it looks quite cool.  We actually did make the sundial over a couple of days last week but the children decided it would be a good idea to rub it out when they were water fighting on Saturday and it never got tested or photographed.  We didn't get around to much of Recycling but perhaps that's a project for March break.

So to final favourites.  We had a look through the blog this morning at all the things we've done and came up with a list of 17 things they'd like to do again.  I don't think so do you? but we'll give it our best shot.

I think the way we'll play it is doing a weeks chosen activity/ies each day and see how we go and this is how our schedule looks...

  • Recycling  Make more stylish cuffs and do the magnet experiment we missed.  Jacob also wants to make paper but I'm not sure I can cope with the mess.
  • Sun  No chosen activities, Hurray!
  • Outdoor Activities  Go to Port Franks playground and take a picnic.
  • History  Play marbles, make paper dolls and bake Brownies.  Rose wants to go back to the museum but I'm inclined to agree with Jacob when he says we've done that.
  • Nature  Get out the microscope, try again to turn flowers a different colour and make jam jar animals.
  • Food  Make your own pizza and the baking soda balloon demonstration.
  • Water  Resurrect the water bombs, magic upside down water in a cup and marble painting.
In amongst all this it is Jacob's birthday so there will be frantic cake baking and decorating and we have to find time to get into Exeter again to pick up his new school shoes.  Well, here goes.

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