Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Friday 9 August 2013

Outdoor Activities - Day Four

Today the kids made their own picnics and we went on a playground crawl.  Picnics first, I put out a whole load of different picnic food on the kitchen table in order of basic mum invented food groups (dairy, fruit and veg, sort of wholesome filling stuff, snacks, downright unhealthy treats) and they packed up what they thought they could eat for the day.  Here is Jacob with his Hot dog, cheese string, cucumber slices, crisps, nuts, pretzel goldfish, granola bar and cookies.
And Rose chose raisins, nuts, pretzel goldfish, cheese string, jam sandwich, yoghurt, crisps, granola bar and cookies.
We had three lunch breaks and neither of them managed to eat it all!  They did manage yet another ice cream though!

So off we piled in the car at 11am for our little adventure and didn't get home until after 4pm.  We had a couple of brief jobs to do, one involved going to an art gallery where by chance we found Jacob's saving water picture from school up in public for Aquafest.  Imagine picture here.

We got to three playgrounds and I have pictures on my camera of all of them, the new laptop is now here but after five hours playing outside I'm far too tired to work out a new picture editing system so it will have to wait until tomorrow.  For now I will just mention that both children discovered upper body strength today, Rose was shimmying along the parallel bars and Jacob has conquered the monkey bars.

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