Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Thursday 8 August 2013

Outdoor Activities - Day Three

Today we went Canoeing with Grandpa in the Pinery.  I don't often get chance to potter about on boats but when I do I usually really enjoy it, must be the seafaring background.  When I was growing up we had a rubber dinghy and a kayak which provided much entertainment on Coniston Water in the summer, although I can now appreciate how much effort it probably was for Mum having to get them and us there and back.

Anyway, memories of childhood aside I learned something today, two children in one canoe at the same time is not a good idea, not if they're my children anyway.  It's a good job that Gary was in the back and knows what he's doing or we'd have been all over the place, possibly we'd still be somewhere on the Old Ausable River wondering about heading for land and bunking down with the coyotes for the night.

To be fair, Jacob's paddling technique is not bad although he is a little lacking in the strength department but Rose was just all over the place.  I thought we'd be ok because she didn't have a paddle but she really doesn't understand that you can't do ballet in the bottom of a canoe and was very lucky not to fall in.  In hindsight the outfit she chose for this expedition should have indicated to me that she was not in a frame of mind to keep still.

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