Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 12 August 2013

Week Six - Sun/Recycling

I'm having a bit of trouble with this week, I can't decide what to do, don't know what the weather will be like and haven't really got my act together.  It's a good job I don't do this for a living but maybe I could blag it better if it was really necessary.  Our activities this week might be as follows

If it turns out to be a Sun week
  • Try the (insert appropriate expletive, "Booping" according to Rose) still again but turning coloured water into clear
  • Make our own sun dial
  • Make rainbows
  • Invisible ink with lemon juice
  • If I get around to ordering the right stuff, printing T shirts with light sensitive paint
  • Testing whether different colours absorb heat at different rates
If it is a recycling week (this will mostly be crafts)
  • Have a meaningful discussion about reducing, reusing and recycling and relating it to grocery shopping so we can look at packaging
  • Bracelets from drink bottles
  • What to do with hot chocolate/coffee drums that can't be recycled
  • Make waste paper baskets
  • Make our own paper
  • A magnetic interlude, hopefully making them (magnets not the kids) float in a recycled clear plastic tube
I think it will probably turn out to be a mixed week depending on mood and weather so you'll just have to do your best to follow what's going on.

There may also be some more "50 things".  Today we bought a fishing net at the dollar store and went to try to catch a fish in a net, we didn't have any luck for a number of reasons
  1. We chose a white net and fish aren't that stupid
  2. We have no patience
  3. Rose can't keep still or quiet
It's a shame as according to the sign by the boat dock we could have caught a "Pugnose Shiner" or a "Lake Chubsucker".  What genius came up with those names?  Chubsucker is definitely going into my offensive, under the breath insults list.  Anyway, here are the kids fishing, it's good to have a camera again.

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