Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Final Favourites - Nature and Water

I wasn't intending to do Nature on Monday but there were cheap white carnations on sale in No Frills and it seemed like a sign.  I read up on how to dye flowers with food colour and got some top tips for success from here, but if you don't have time to read it there are 3 key things
  1. Choose daisies or carnations
  2. Cut the stems diagonally, quite short
  3. Use 20-30 drops of food colour per half cup/120ml
We tried blue and red and mixed colours to make green and purple.  Here's before
And after (24 hours)
They are much more impressive in the flesh
The red and blue have worked really well, the mixed colours didn't, perhaps the 2 different food colours cancelled each other out?

Jacob did some microscope work too, this time we collected some pond water and looked at a drop of that.  I thought I could see some tiny things scooting about but Jacob said no.

Yesterday we revisited water.  Our property manager came and put sprinklers on the lawn for an hour so the children opted for water bombs, squirters and running about under the sprinklers.  It looks grey in the photos but it was really humid and actually felt like about 30 degrees.
We also tried a different method of making marbled paper.  They really liked this, there's plenty of info on it if you type it into google but I used this one.  The only things I would add are cover your trays with something first because its a pain getting all the residue off when you're done and have hand washing facilities very very close by.  Here's the method in a nutshell (illustrated).

Spray cheap shaving foam on a lined (see above) baking tray and smear it around, Rose really like this bit.
Drop food colouring on in patches.
Spread with cocktail stick, toothpick, finger or other extremity.  Try to avoid wiping noses or flicking hair at this point.

Press paper quite firmly onto marbled mess, remove and layout to dry.

They're quite nice aren't they!

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