Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Outdoor Activities - Day One and Two

Wow, I've really got out of the way of this blogging business, I completely forgot to do yesterday.  Sometimes a week off is not the revitalizing experience you think it will be.

Yesterday, Day One, we played mini golf - English style.  That is, we walked there with drink and coat filled backpacks, played golf in the rain, ate ice cream in the rain then walked home mostly in the rain.  It's good to remind the kids of their British roots and it was only a light drizzle (mostly).  Anyway, it was enjoyable and took up most of the afternoon and reminded me of how nice it is to leave the car behind every now and again.

This morning we had torrential rain accompanied by thunder and lightening and I feared that we wouldn't get outside at all, then at about 12.30 the sun came out and the temperature shot up to about 30 degrees so we went to the Pinery to look for some activities from Jacobs 50 things to do book.  I took my camera as our new laptop is due today so I shall update this blog with photos very soon - I hope.  In the meantime this is what we did
  • Made a grass trumpet
  • Balanced on a fallen tree
  • Looked in a hole in a tree
  • Ate ice cream (again) actually that's not in the book but it should be
Added later...
Our new laptop is now due tomorrow so in the meantime here is Jacob in his pyjamas with the book.

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