Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Friday 3 July 2015

Canada - Day Five

We'll start today with a Ta Da moment.  Drumroll please.  The most popular of Rose's choice of Canadian Wildlife is... the Golden Eagle, although it was close and Teddy had to cast the decisive vote in the end.  Thank you for all your votes and here is Rose with the results.

In case anyone doesn't know about Golden Eagles Rose compiled some useful information.

Fact sheets about the other animals and the Loon are also available on request.

Unfortunately Jacob hit a stumbling block with the 'Catch the Capital' game but I think we've come up with some compromises and it should be available next week.  In the meantime here is his test your knowledge circuit board put together with kitchen foil and electrical tape.  Jacob doubted my ingenuity and electrical skills but It works and is very annoying as he's got it set up so that an alarm goes off every time you match the correct province and capital.

We also tried out sun printing t-shirts with mixed results.  They are fixing in the drier right now so I'll update you with them tomorrow.

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