Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 13 July 2015

Water Week Two

I know I promised to reveal the answer to Rose's 'Who Am I?' Animal quiz last Friday but the picture remains half coloured and it's the summer holidays so you'll have to wait I'm afraid.  Some good answers from people so far though.

On Friday we were distracted by numerous swim sessions and invitations to play, swimming probably ought to count toward water and Rose has watched Teen Beach Movie 2 about 10 times over the weekend which she would definitely argue counts as a water related activity.

Anyway, at this mornings weekly planning meeting we decided to do some more water this week.  Jacob suggested that as today's activity we pour water down the marble run and see what happens.  To try to make this appear to be educational we wrote down some predictions on what would happen and how water would behave differently to marbles.  The idea was too observe the outcome, this lasted about 10 seconds before the goal became how much can you splash your sibling while trying to appear not to.

We did do a bit of observing and Rose was correct when she said some of the water would fall out, there was some debate about whether the water went faster than the marbles, We could have done with Brian Cox on hand as I expect there is some physics and gravity explanation that would clear this up.  Also would have been fun to see him have to deal with the kids getting his feet wet on purpose.

We also went to the library to get last weeks reading signed off and pick out prizes.  Here's Rose putting her new earbuds to good use - hurray! No more Jonny Test theme tune.

Then we went to Yoghurtys because we've never been there before and it seemed like a good idea as its 30 degrees right now.  (For Brits its a self serve frozen yoghurt place).  Shame I did not take my camera so you could observe Rose drinking frozen yoghurt from the pot and see the sprinkles and toppings fest Jacob had going in his.

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