Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Thursday 9 July 2015

Water - Day Four

Today we did some watery painting.  Nothing very educational there, just mucking about with paint.  To fit in with a watery theme we thinned the paint and wet the paper to see what effects we could get.  I suggested dropping paint off spoons and blowing it with straws but it turned into a bit of a Jackson Pollock splatathon.

By the time we'd finished we'd got some lovely paintings and Rose had transformed herself into a living art piece.

 Here are our finished canvases.

Jacob has finished 'Catch the Capital' to friends and family quality so email us if you would like a copy.  Next he's working on a game where you have to be a droplet surviving the water cycle.

Rose has a What Am I? Quiz for you...

I am brown and yellow with 4 legs.

I live in a farm.

I eat hay.

People ride on my back.

What am I?

Please send your guesses and she will reveal the answer tomorrow.

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