Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Sunday 5 July 2015

Canada - Round Up

Thought I'd better summarize or something before we start on our next exciting topic.

Our goals last week were largely based around keeping busy and Jacob learning the provinces and capitals and by and large we achieved both.  Jacob's video game isn't finished yet but he's still up for plugging away at it and he's pretty much got all his facts straight from building the code and his electronics game.

Rose has become slightly obsessed with researching Canadian wildlife and has now produced sheets about all the animals on her survey and the common loon and is half way through the moose.

On Friday We tried out a light resist printing method on t-shirts (without a great deal of success) using the instructions on the Craftiments website (see last post).

Here we have painted on wet shirts and put pressed maple leaves on the wet paint.  The paint that is covered should magically disappear and leave white maple leaf shapes.

Here are the shirts now.

As you can see it didn't really work, I think the paint wasn't thin enough and the shirts weren't wet enough but I like the patterns the kids made so I'll probably appliqué a couple of leaves on later.

See you next week.

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