Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Thursday 2 July 2015

Canada - Day Four

Again we have been thwarted by the weather, tomorrow there is a big fat sunshine prediction so maybe we'll get our t-shirts printed then.

Instead we made a solar s'more oven out of a shoe box, see Craftiments instructions.  Here is Rose painting the outside of an old shoebox black to try to absorb as much of the sun's heat as possible.

And here we are setting it up in the sun on the deck.  Put a graham cracker on a plate, put some chocolate on that, top with a marshmallow and leave in the oven in the sun.

The chocolate melted after about 10 minutes in the oven but the marshmallow didn't really soften up so it was a bit difficult to eat.  Here is Jacob bravely making an attempt.

I think it would probably have worked just as well if we'd left it on a plate with no oven but that would have been much less trouble so that's no good.

We also completed Rose's animal chart and Jacob made his Capitals circuit board but things got a bit crazy at the end of the day so photos will have to wait until tomorrow.

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