Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Thursday 16 July 2015

Pluto Day

I've been quite interested in the New Horizons mission out to Pluto so we had an impromptu space day.

We got out Jacob's solar system model and tried to explain about the planets to Rose, I think she got it but you never can tell.  We looked up how big Pluto is, did you know that it's diameter is less than half the size of Canada from east to west.  And I tried to look it up in The Wonders of the Solar System but it's not in, what's with that Brian? I've got to say I was disappointed.

So my big question is, what is the ginormous heart shaped thing that you can see on all the pictures they're putting out?  The most accepted answer at the moment seems to be the remains of a collision basin but as I thought that was a bit dull I challenged the kids to come up with another explanation together and present it.

They spent quite a while on this, came up with an illustrated story and made power point display animations.  As I can't upload them here I'm just putting in the pictures with captions.  Enjoy.

That was Rose's.  Here's Jacob's version.

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