Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Holiday - Day Two

I'm not going to write much (again) as having such a relaxing holiday that am completely cream crackered.

Today we went to Science North.  We really, really went to Science North and were there for about 6 hours.  There were 4 floors of exhibits with live creatures, science demonstrations, movie presentations and all sorts.  Rose's favourite part was pressing a button that made a model of a man fart and Jacob liked the old fashioned typewriter (???).

Rose held a cockroach.

And Jacob was captured by Jabba the Hutt and frozen in carbonite.

I lay on a bed of nails, yes I really did and I was wearing a dress so no protective denim.  I also learned first hand that porcupines smell like armpits and that butterflies tickle when they land on your leg.  I saw a live (fat) beaver.

And a moose in a tutu.

And that's all I can remember right now.  Hope we have a less educational day tomorrow so I don't wipe out anymore memory cells.

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