Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 6 July 2015

Week Two - Water

This will not be a long post, I'm tired so it wouldn't be happening at all if I didn't think that with no post you'd assume I've given up already.

So this week we're looking at water, specifically I think we might focus on the water cycle but we'll also do some other stuff too.  At our planning meeting this morning there were groans over resurrecting the solar still so I'd better find some more fun stuff to do, also need to come up with a watery craft, any suggestions gratefully received.  If the weather holds we might take a trip up to the meromictic lake and if it rains we'll just stay at home and look at the water precipitating outside our windows.

Today we held our planning meeting (at which Rose said she knows all about 'evacuation' because they did rain at school) and went to the library for reading scheme prizes and resource books.  While we were at the community centre we also went swimming which fit in nicely as a Day One activity and got everybody exercised properly when it's too hot for playgrounds.

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