Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Recycling - Day One

Today we got crafty with a couple of old plastic water bottles.  A few months ago, before I'd read so many craft and sewing blogs I would have said that we recycled the bottles, but now I'm not sure if we 'up-cycled' them or 're-purposed' them.  I feel I should use one of these two terms as they seem to be much cooler than plain old recycling, perhaps I'll go for both.

Rose definitely 'up-cycled' hers into bejeweled cuffs for the style conscious four year old.  Here they are with our inspiration picture from Chatelaine magazine.
Can you tell which are ours?
And here is Rose  modelling them.
Still not worked out how to get rid of red eye
Unsurprisingly, Jacob didn't want to make sparkly bracelets so he' re-purposed' his as spywear for eight year olds.  One is a multipurpose device with a camera, screen, keypad, microphone and lots of ON and OFF buttons and the other is a watch.  I feared he'd think this was just a bit of rubbish fobbing off but he really enjoyed it and wore them all afternoon.
Beam me up!
It's amazing what you can do with a plastic bottle and a bit of old duct tape.


  1. Those are some stylish cuffs! I'll have to request some custom ones for our next visit!

  2. I think you must be referring to the dazzling bejewelled version, if Jacob discovers that RIM are marketing a cuff shaped blackberry in the few years he will probably take legal action!
