Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Saturday 13 July 2013

Food - Day Four

Yesterday we had the day off.  Jacob went to his friend's place to play in the pool and Rose and I went to the beach.  Canada, the promised land.  We did plant some cress in the evening, if I was really organized we'd have done that at the beginning of the week and been eating it by now.  Oh well.

On to today, (after we came back from the beach) we made marshmallow poppers, I got this activity from a book called 'Make These Toys' by Heather Swain.  They are leftover party cups with the bottoms cut out, and tied up balloons with the tops cut out wrapped around them.  I also advise duct tape to keep them sturdy.
I'd say this has a good chance of being in final favourites week, the kids played with them for a good hour or so.  We tried to collect as many of the marshmallows as we could from the garden but I don't think we got half as many as were fired.  I fear we may be contributing to obesity problems in the local chipmunk community.

We also had a blind tasting session.  I chose 10 foods with a variety of likes and don't likes and a couple that they wouldn't recognize.  Here they are.
Tom helped out with this one as blindfolds kept coming off and I couldn't pass out food and take photos at the same time.  I asked them to feel and smell the food and guess what it was before tasting it and they got them all right except for the two unknowns, it wasn't long before things degenerated and Rose said everything smelled like poo (except the chocolate cookie) and thought she was very hilarious for thinking of it.  I had a vain hope that they might suddenly discover that they really like mushrooms or that eating cucumber is not the worst thing that can happen to a four year old, but no such luck.

The avocado produced this series of photos which nearly made up for my failure to extend their palettes.

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