Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Thursday 11 July 2013

Food - Day Three

Wow, I'm shattered with all this summer school stuff, I'm going to have to go into some sort of rehab programme in September to recover from my own children.

Today we demonstrated how yeast works and the children made their own dinner, which is not the time saving activity you might think it is.

The yeast demonstration (thanks again Science Bob) looks very similar to the baking soda one but with an orange balloon, we put water, yeast and sugar into the bottle and put a balloon on top and waited for it to inflate.  This time it is much slower because it is microorganisms growing and producing the gas (I think).  Here it is when first set up.
Then we got some bread dough going to compare the rising dough with the blowing up balloon.  Jacob and Rose measured, I got the kneading started, then we split the dough and they finished it off. They did a good job.

By the time the dough was rising the balloon had blown up nicely (I put it on properly this time!) and the bottle had filled up with yucky brown froth.

So we went to pick up the mail and spent an hour at the playground while the dough was rising.  Next it was rolled into pizza sized portions (by the children) there was enough for a bread bun each for lunch tomorrow too.
And the fillings went on.
Finally it was cooked and eaten.  Jacob said it was much better than the ones I make because I put on too much tomato sauce, that is more than a tablespoon to an entire pizza.

This has been declared a possible activity for the final favourites week, it is nice to think that I am awakening an interest in the culinary arts but I am in danger of them thinking that my life of cleaning and feeding everyone is fun.  Perhaps we'll do housework next week, a good dose of hoovering and cleaning toilets should put an end to that.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Jacob would enjoy pizza Bianca!
