Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Water - Day One

Today we got busy with 2 activities and quite a bit of enthusiasm.

We made a rain gauge out of an empty cranberry juice bottle and some duct tape and set it up in the garden.  This wasn't too exciting as sharp knives and semi accurate measuring meant that I did most of the actual making.  Installing it in the garden was a bit more interesting until Rose accidentally poked J in the eye with the end of a thermometer, fortunately it was not serious and we managed to apologize and move on.  The bottom of the bottle was not flat so we decided to have a 'baseline' about an inch high.  Here is Jacob pouring water in up to the line.
And here they are with the offending thermometer.
Voila, the Pinetree Drive weather station is complete.  Do you think that daily readings will be taken throughout summer?  No, me neither.

Next we marbled some paper, the idea was a sort of demonstration of the principle that molecularly different liquids don't mix and oil floats on water.  We used the oil and food colour method I found on the Unplug Your Kids website (there are no pictures but the instructions are pretty clear).  Here is an action shot.

The kids really enjoyed doing this, anything that involves goop generally goes down well, and the results were really pretty.

I thought we'd got away without too much mess until we were on the way to the park when I realized that Rose looked like she was splattered with blood.  Note to self, don't give Rose the red ink next time.

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