Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Water - Day Two

I was thinking we might get to the beach today as this morning it was properly hot without a howling gale, however a series of impressive storms blew through before we had got our act together and we had to do some indoor stuff instead.

So we had a go at building a solar still, we used these instructions from PBS Kids.  Here are the kids mixing salt into water to make sea water.
And here is jacob after he tested a tiny bit of salt water on his finger to check it was salty.
And here is the finished still.
Unfortunately, the sun has stayed steadfastly behind the clouds since we set up so we have caught no water yet, if we were on a real desert island we would all be having a thirsty night.  On the upside, we went out after the storms finished to take some weather readings and this is how full the rain gauge was.
That was a good bit of rain for an hour or so, perhaps we should just have put the bowl outside and dispensed with the still building shenanigans.  The observant among you will notice the clothes discrepancy between yesterday and today, I'm afraid that laptop disaster happened before I blogged and all but 1 of yesterday's pics had to be re-staged.  Oops

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