Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 8 July 2013

Week Two - Food

This week we have decided to look at food, I had been wondering about sun/heat/light so I could try out the still again but the forecast is not good so we'll go for some stuff we can do inside instead.  Here's my list of planned activities...
  • Conduct an experiment to demonstrate how yeast works
  • Bake bread
  • Inflate a balloon with baking soda
  • Make muffins
  • Grow cress and eat it
  • Sprout sunflower seeds
  • Make prints with veggies
  • Have a blind tasting
  • Make marshmallow shooters
I thought about going to a pick your own but only cherries are in season around here and I've still got about 2lb in the fridge that Gary gave me last week, maybe we'll save that for another time.

Our food words so far are 'taste', 'flavour', 'germinate' and 'microorganism', I might think of some more as the week goes on.  I shall make Jacob read a couple of poems again and Rose has been really loving the traceable alphabet sheets so you'll probably see some more of those.

So there you go, I think we'll start with muffins and baking soda balloons tomorrow and take it from there.

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