Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Nature - Day One

Today the Humid X was up above 40 degrees so nature had to be explored indoors, no wildlife walks or beach combing for us today.  Instead we had a microscope session in the dining room where Tom and I had broken down and put on the air conditioning.

First we spent about 10 minutes in the garden melting and finding things that we might want to look at.  Here is most of what we gathered.
Then we got out the microscope and got on with it.

Actually, I think that I found it more interesting than either of the children, leaves look really neat when magnified and I didn't realize that flower petals look like coloured bubble wrap.  I hadn't anticipated that Rose couldn't really see any of it as she's not got the hang of looking through a tube with one eye yet and she started to get a bit upset and frustrated, I should have bought a dollar store magnifying glass for her to look through instead.

Jacob got into it when I managed to find him some rudbeckia and day lily pollen and one of the teeny flowers that make up a yarrow flowerhead.  I think he found it more interesting looking at the very small stuff and not just closely at things you can see with the naked eye.

Hopefully we will be able to go out of doors to do something more exciting tomorrow, maybe some beach combing, and we might collect some pond water to see if we can see any microscopic animals swimming in it.

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