Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Nature - Day Two

This is definitely the least successful week so far, partly I think because the hot weather is so draining and partly because of the general lack of enthusiasm from Jacob.  If only flowers were electronic or could be programmed or something.

This afternoon we went on a rather shortened version of a wildflower walk, it was so hot that we kept it to the garden, we took photos of wild flowers with the iPad then went indoors to identify them.  It was so hot that we only stayed outside for about 5 minutes and in that time I managed to acquire another 4 mosquito bites (all on one foot), ah well, here is the list of flowers we found and subsequently identified.
  • Daisy Fleabane
  • Yellow Sweet Clover
  • Day Lilies
  • Black Eyed Susan (rudbeckia not thumbergenia)
  • Ox Eye Daisies
  • Queen Anne's Lace
And here are the kids in the garden.
Jacob Loitering in the Black Eyed Susans
Rose, Daisy Fleabane and Queen Anne's Lace
Both and some day lilies
Jacob took the 2013 Guinness Book of Records out of the library today so when I got fed up of hearing 'interesting' facts about Star Wars and Bill Gates I asked him to find me some Canadian natural world records.  This was like pulling teeth but in the end he came up with three.
  • The polar bear is the largest land carnivore
  • The wolf is the largest candid
  • The Edmontosaurus, found in Alberta, is the dinosaur with the most teeth, more than 1000 apparently
Shame we are not likely to see any of them around here although Rose tells me that dinosaurs hung out in parking lots in England before Nana was born so there may be some film footage knocking about somewhere.

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