Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 1 July 2013

Week One - Water

This week's topic is water.  After a bit of research (the Internet is a wonderful thing) and some discussion we've come up with these watery activities.
  • Marbling paper
  • Building our own rain gauge
  • Making a solar still
  • A trip to the lake to investigate what floats and what doesn't
  • While we are there we might try and construct a basin irrigation system like the ancient Egyptians (oh dear what am I doing, I hope nobody wants to build a shaduf)
  • The upside down cup trick if I can make it work then explain water pressure vs air pressure to Jacob
  • Making water bombs (is this really a good idea?)
  • A water fight (hmmm)
Jacob suggested seeing if a computer works while under water but I think we'll give that a miss.

We'll use some science words too like 'irrigation', 'distil', 'evaporate', 'condense', 'float' and 'sink'.  In Jacob's report card his teacher suggested that he expands on the type of things that he is reading so I've found some poems about water to look at.

See you tomorrow when we've bought all the necessary extra bits and pieces from the dollar store.

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