Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Monday 15 July 2013

Week Three - Nature

I've gone for an all things wild week this week at risk of Jacob being bored to tears, mostly because I would like to expand my knowledge of Canadian wildlife hereabouts.  Here is the proposed list.
  • One hour garden bird watch
  • Wildflower walk
  • Beach combing expedition
  • Microscope session
  • Feeding the rabbits at Westland Greenhouses (good excuse for me to have a plant fix)
  • Making rabbit and dog bits and bobs holders
  • Magical colour transformation of cut flowers
  • I'm just working out some sort of game involving throwing homemade animals into hoops or pinging last weeks marshmallows at homemade animal shaped targets in a quoits kind of a style.  Not get that quite figured out yet but I'll get it sorted.
I should probably have organized a sun week for this week as the forecast is hot, today it is 32 degrees in the shade, the weather network says the humid X is 34 but I think this is out by at least 50 degrees as I am slowly melting.

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