Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Thursday 18 July 2013

Nature - Day Three

Not much has been achieved on a nature theme today.  Once again my excuse is extreme heat and also spending three hours on the beach with some bus stop friends this morning, which was really lovely but all three of us are very tired now.

At about 3.30 this afternoon I managed to muster up the energy to get the glue gun out of the basement and we made bunny and dog bits and bobs holders out of old jam jars and scraps of felt.  Here are the finished jars, no prizes for guessing who's is who's.
And here is Rose with hers.
Jacob's enthusiasm didn't extend to being photographed although he quite enjoyed using the glue gun, he told Tom that he burned his fingers but the black dots are whiskers and not finger ash!  Shame I didn't think of using burned extremities as decorative features, it would have lent a certain 'je ne sais quoi'.

On the topic of enthusiasm, I told Jacob that I plan to have the one hour garden bird watch tomorrow morning before its too hot in the sun room, he asked me if he could bring his DS or read a book and just look at birds occasionally.  I said probably not.  Yesterday on the beach he thought a seagull was a pigeon, how do you get to nearly 9 and not know the difference between a sea gull and a pigeon? It would be nice if by the end of the week he could identify at least one wild bird and one wild flower but I'm not holding out much hope.

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