Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Food - Day One

This morning Rose drew me a picture of something I couldn't figure out at all, this is not unusual but when I asked her what it was she said it was a machine where you put in salty water which then evacuated and there was milk left.  Well I never, obviously the useless still made an impression on someone.  Jacob is so clever (and quite loudly so) and Rose is so different that I often forget that she is pretty smart too.

Anyway, on with food.  Today we performed an 'acid-base reaction' with vinegar and baking soda courtesy of Science Bob in order to demonstrate how you get air bubbles in muffins.  It was kind of successful, we certainly made plenty of carbon dioxide but I didn't put the balloon on the bottle properly so it didn't inflate normally, if you try to do this get as much of the neck of the balloon as possible over the bottle.

Then we made oatmeal yoghurt muffins, the sort where you add baking soda to yoghurt to make it frothy before you bake it in order to try to show how air bubbles make cakes fluffy.
I'm not sure how much of the science went in, especially as my explanations are less than great but the finished muffins went down well.

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