Welcome to Camp Kirstin, a stay home Mum's attempt to keep Summer fun and the children busy without making lots of mess and spending too much money

Friday 5 July 2013

Water - Day Four

Day four, what am I doing? it's not like I have nothing else to do.  Oh well.

Today we had a craft day with bonus water fight when it stopped raining.  First the kids made water and space(?) pictures using the paper we marbleized what seems like months ago.  Rose says her fish are swimming behind coral, you would be right in suspecting that she has heard of coral but never seen any.  Jacob made a rocket going to Mars and an underwater volcano with fish swimming between the lava flows.

When all that was done we made water bombs out of washing up sponges, I found this craft on a website called Babble.  We made ours in 2 different colour waves so there would be no arguing about who's was who's, then we tried them out.
These are Rose's
This is not as bad as it looks, she missed then got very upset because Jacob didn't.  The water fight was abandoned when the crying started and we set up a firing range of plastic receptacles from the recycling box to knock down instead, that went down really well until I got the photography equipment out and Rose decided to look sad.
No more joy with the still.  I am giving it until tomorrow afternoon as that will be 3 days and if it hasn't purified several pints of liquid we will all have had it!  Today was brought to you by the letter K.

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